Mnemonics are an intrinsic part of learning in EMS. Let’s talk about OPQRST!

OPQRST is used in patient assessment and stands for:
O: Onset
P: Provocation / Palliation
Q: Quality
R: Radiation
S: Severity
T: Time
OPQRST is an important part of patient assessment and helps us remember to obtain key pieces of data that help guide our treatment plan.
Onset: What were you doing when the symptoms began?
Provocation / Palliation: Does anything make the symptoms better or worse? How are you most comfortable?
Quality: What does the symptom feel like? Is it sharp, dull, crushing, tearing. Does it come in waves? Ask the patient to describe the symptom.
Radiation: Where do you feel the symptom? Does it extend or move anywhere?
Severity: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being no pain at all, and 10 being the worst pain you can imagine, how would you rate your pain?
Time: Has the symptom been constant or does it come and go? How long have you had the symptom? When did it start?
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